Running a dental practice in today's economic climate requires a large degree of business focus.
Ask yourself these questions: 1. Do you know how much it costs to open your practice each and every day 2. Do you know how much you need to make each day to cover the fixed overheads, variable costs and pay yourself? 3. Do you know these numbers off the top of your head? If you answered no to any of these questions you should read on..... Knowing how much it costs to run your business is essential for success. Once you know how much you need to earn to cover all the costs you can plan more effectively and work out what you need to be earning on a daily or even hourly basis. Its also important to know what your 'costs' are made up of, if you don't know what you are spending your money on how can you make sure you are spending it in the right place? I recommend that practices do a full review of their costs every month to determine if essential savings could be made. By doing this it also focuses practices into becoming more aware of what they are spending and paying more attention to this ultimately results in less money being spent unnecessarily. If you'd like to find out how we can help you control the costs of running your business and you'd like to learn ways to effectively monitor these costs get in touch!
Do you have satisfied customers?
Are you offering a level of service that your patients are happy with? Have you found out what your patients think of your service? Are you listening to what is not being said? Most practices will have ‘satisfied’ customers but ask yourself satisfied good enough? Absolutely not! Satisfied means they expect nothing more, their standards are mediocre and no-one else is doing it any worse. Satisfied does not create loyal patients who are ambassadors of your practice, satisfied creates patients that are happy with the status-quo but who will jump ship when a better opportunity presents itself. Your patients are your customers and they are buying a SERVICE and to keep them coming back that service needs to be top notch, anything less and that loyal patient will eventually take their business elsewhere. If you are trying to improve your patient experience I would highly recommend a book called ‘Raving Fans’ by Ken Blanchard. We can help you transform your patient experience and give you not satisfied customers, but raving fans who will recommend you time and time again. Call us today on 07703627873 or email [email protected] |
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May 2019